Granola & Yogurt… perhaps a daily routine, or something you indulge in only when you have time?
What do your breakfast habits reveal about your approach to life?
The first meal of the day is quite intimate. It is the one meal of the day that you can ultimately design fail-free of outside distractions. Even if you have young children heading off to school, the time they rise and head off to school is not a surprise. So then, do you wake up earlier to prioritize your first meal of the day? Or go with the flow and let the day design you? Your breakfast habits reveal your approach to life.
How do you enjoy breakfast most often?
A. Routinely EAT every morning
B. Snack/EAT when time permits
C. Beverage only (Coffee/Juice)
Based on the letter you chose above, read the corresponding analysis below for your approach to life:
A. Haste makes waste. You understand every action has a reaction and taking short cuts will not pay off in the end. Regardless of circumstance it is your discipline that will propel you to success. You don’t wait for opportunity, you create it. You are passionate, responsible and methodical. You respect yourself highly and those that possess similar standards. Your unwavering structure is commendable, but does make you rigid if things don’t go exactly as planned.
B. You tend to be led by life versus you leading your life. Even with a to do list that must get done, you often get derailed by the needs of others or a hot priority that falls in your lap. Reliable to a fault, your adaptive and compromising nature makes you a valued team player – like ol’faithful, you always deliver. You are resourceful, capable, a multi-tasker, but you find yourself often frustrated with the reactive structure of your day and more times than not, your to-do list becomes a perpetual growing list week after week.
C. Seize the day with undivided attention. Ambition fuels your day. So passionate about your goals, a new day and what it has to offer that you can’t wait to fuel up and get started! Your adrenalin and zest for life keeps you going strong and laser focused. Sometimes however, your intensity is dialed in so high that you forget to take good care of yourself, or invest quality time with those you care about. Also, that stamina can work only so hard. Find a way to balance ambition and you, and you’re golden!
D. Work hard, play later. You excel on a reward system. Like a machine you go about your business, you are responsible, hardworking, stay the course without fail then enjoy the fruits of your labor afterwards. You tend to compartmentalize tasks, goals, and relationships with great discipline. When you do something you are fully present and engaged in the moment. Attempt to reward yourself a bit more so you can enjoy the ride!
©Juliet A. Boghossian, Food-ology, 2021 - Juliet A. Boghossian, behavioral food expert and founder of Food-ology® You are HOW you Eat® where food related habits are linked to personality traits and behavioral tendencies.